Jhon Doe

Head of the Department

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit et cupiditate deleniti.
Shri Suresh Jinwal
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    About The Science & Humanities Department

    The General section is an integral part of Ujjain polytechnic College Ujjain since its inception. It is committed to provide education in core subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and communication skills in English. Its aim is to impart knowledge to students not only to face their course examinations but also prepare them to pursue real knowledge of mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English.
    It strives towards shaping students to get a job and to acquire all the essential employbility skills.
    It is established with Physics, Chemistry and English language laboratories that enable students to develop presentation skills besides gaining practical knowledge and understanding through various experiments.

    Vision Of Science & Humanities Department

    Mission Of Science & Humanities Department

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