Jhon Doe

Head of the Department

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Shri M. Munshi
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    About The Computer Science And Engineering

    Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is an AICTE approved 3-year full time diploma program affiliated to RGPV since year 2000. The Course include a combination of topics programming, algorithms and data structures, computer architecture, operating systems, computer networks, algorithms design, computer graphics, software engineering, database systems CSE programs also include machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence paradigms. Department has adopted AICTE approved model curriculum. The New Curriculum has been designed to better meet the needs of the industry considering evolving technological trends and implications for the engineering work force and develop well trained Diploma Engineers who have the knowledge and the skills to engineer solutions for real-world problems. Each course is divided into many Course Outcomes (COs) and each Course Outcome (CO) is divided into many Learning Outcomes (LOs). A Course Outcome (CO) represents the broad ability or skill to be developed in the student.
    Ability may have many aspects which are to be learned in different ways. Each learning outcome (LO) represents the aspect of the ability to be developed in student by adopting a particular teaching learning strategy. We have adopted latest Pedagogies state of art modular learning, blended learning, and flipped classroom method. We are using google class, WhatsApp community and other social media tools for interaction and knowledge transfer. Department comprise of qualified and experienced faculty skilled in latest teaching methodologies beside competency in their subject. Our state of facilities includes smart classroom cum laboratories equipped with latest computer and software, projectors, interactive boards. Video conferencing room for online interaction with experts and taking online lectures. Department also assist other departments in developing faculty computing expertise appropriate to their programs. The Department's commitment includes providing state-of-the-art computer education and training to all students bring them to the level of knowledge and ability required by their major. This includes bringing all students to a basic level of computing skills. The computer and information industries are experiencing an intense shortage of appropriately trained employees. The CSE Department's committed to provide appropriate computer education to prepare students for employment in the information technology workforce besides for higher education after diploma.

    Vision Of Computer Science And Engineering

    To provide Engineering Education in the field of Computer Science with evolving Technologies and to Produce self motivated, Employable individuals for the society.

    Mission Of Computer Science And Engineering

    1. To impart high quality Professional education and training at the diploma level with an emphasis on basic principal of computer science and engineering.
    2. To impact Knowledge of fundamental principal and innovative technologies.
    3. To motivate students to learn and practice various hardware and software plateforms prevalent in the industry.
    4. To impart technical skill and interpersonal skill to the student so that they are readily acceptable in industries and to develop entrepreneurship skill for societal needs.
    5. To groom student with good attitude, team spirit, moral and ethical values.

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