Jhon Doe

Head of the Department

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Dr. J. S. Yadav
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    About The plastic Technology Department

    The plastic Technology department in a diploma engineering college is a specialized department that focuses on providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of plastics in engineering. The department is designed to equip students with the technical skills and knowledge required to design, develop, and manufacture plastic products and components.
    The curriculum in this department usually includes courses in polymer chemistry, plastic processing, injection molding, blow molding, extrusion, thermoforming, and product design. Students also gain practical experience through laboratory work, projects, and internships.
    The plastic Technology department in a diploma engineering college aims to provide students with a strong foundation in the properties, behavior, and processing of plastics. Students learn about the various types of polymers, their chemical structures, and their properties. They also learn about the various processes used in the manufacture of plastic products, such as injection molding, blow molding, and thermoforming.
    In addition, the department focuses on product design, which is an essential aspect of plastic Technology. Students learn how to design plastic products and components that meet specific performance requirements, such as strength, durability, and resistance to temperature and chemicals.
    Upon completion of their diploma, pass out of the plastic Technology department can work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and medical devices. They can work as plastic product designers, manufacturing engineers, quality engineers, and process engineers.

    Vision Of plastic Technology Department

    To make Plastic Technology a Renowed diploma program in the region so that trained student can contribute to emerging plastic industry and also develop entrpreneur skills so as to enable them to set up enterprises according to the needs of socienty and economy.

    Mission Of plastic Technology Department

    1. Offer best possible education to students undertaking plastic technology course.
    2. Setup state of Advanced laboratories, library, Incubation center in Collaboration and cooperation with industries.
    3. Impart Practical Skills so that they are readily acceptable in the industries.
    4. Encourage students to take up entrepreneur projects and setup their own startup..
    5. Motivate students to express thier creativity and new ideas in plastic field for betterment of the society.
    6. Prepare student for lifelong learning, ethcical values and contribute in the changing socio-economic environment.

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